
Meet The Writer: Katie Rees
My song, titled "Great", is in the pop genre because I thought that would match the message of the lyrics as well as the structure I had in mind. It is inspired mainly by the experience of feeling in the dark for a while and wanting to get back up and out there into the world and live a life you're proud of. I was originally drawn toward creating a melancholy ballad, but instead I decided to spread a message of hope and inspiration to take one step towards being where you want to be, especially if you are not happy with where you are now, and I think that can be a really powerful mindset. The process of writing this song has definitely inspired me to have a more positive outlook on my growth, looking past my temporary sadness and into a brighter future.

Parked car, hands over my face
Don't know how I really got to this place
Guess a break away isn't a crime
Gonna let myself cry for the real this time
So things change, I couldn't stop it
Tried to stop the fight but got hit
I'm on my knees starin' at the ground
But deep down I know what's lost can still be found
My fire's been dimmed but there's still a tiny spark
I'm tired of living in the dark
Thought I had what I need when he came along
But there are times to learn and times for movin' on
My wings are clipped but I'm still breaking free
It's not too late to go be who I wanna be
Been way deep down in the dark bt I'be learned to climb
My tears have all been cried out, yeah I've done my time
The sun's shining beyond that gate
I know inside it's my time to be great